Now you may be asking "what were you driving before Alisha?" Well let me tell you..
There are crappy cars and then there are really crappy cars. Case in point: our 1989 Ford Mustang. I actually should not be saying 'ours' because I had and did not want any ownership of said vehicle. This car in no way shape or form can be mistaken for a 'muscle' car. Let me begin by stating that Ford circles their problem:
Now Dave bought his 'stang from our friend's dad for $600. This guy sold it to him thinking that he made a deal and that he may have potentially ripped off some unsuspecting 'kid'. Little did he know that two years later the damn thing would still be running.
Why am I mocking this car you ask? Well let us list... yes list... off the problems with this vehicle. Where do I begin? Let's start with the door handle on the passenger side. It takes a magician to open it. It takes a certain amount of skill in hand movement and position. If you do not get it just right it will not open and you're left looking the fool because you are not smarter than the car door.
There are crappy cars and then there are really crappy cars. Case in point: our 1989 Ford Mustang. I actually should not be saying 'ours' because I had and did not want any ownership of said vehicle. This car in no way shape or form can be mistaken for a 'muscle' car. Let me begin by stating that Ford circles their problem:

Why am I mocking this car you ask? Well let us list... yes list... off the problems with this vehicle. Where do I begin? Let's start with the door handle on the passenger side. It takes a magician to open it. It takes a certain amount of skill in hand movement and position. If you do not get it just right it will not open and you're left looking the fool because you are not smarter than the car door.
The window... well let's just say when it rains I feel it. The seal is completely gone and the water leaks through the window and soaks the seat and the person sitting in that seat.. namely Me.
As we continue to move on, we no longer have beta. We have managed to acquire a car with a CD player... a six disc player at that.
I have to say that the best features are found on the exterior. Dave kept telling me that the one headlight will always short out no matter what. To which he stated that the headlight was broken.
I have to say that the best features are found on the exterior. Dave kept telling me that the one headlight will always short out no matter what. To which he stated that the headlight was broken.
Exibit B: now you may be wondering what the odd discoloration is in the headlight and why it is two toned. Do not be mistaken my friends.. two toned headlights are not an extra feature on the 1989 ford Mustang... or any car for that matter. It is indeed water.
We could probably replace the bulb but as soon as it rained we would be without one head light. Plus, when driving this car at night Dave had to use his highbeam (yes only one highbeam for the one working light). I should mention that here in Alberta... the wonderfully rich oil free province that we are, it is a $115 fine for having a burnt out headlight... yes I did say $115. How do I know this? We got one. The only problem was that once we paid that fine we couldn't afford to buy a freakin' bulb.
Next, let's move to the high quality paint job on this 'stang. The paint as you can tell is a nice blue color. Exibit C: The paint job. Be aware that that is NOT water down the middle of the car. That is indeed the finish.. peeling away with every storm or whenever I peeled it off. Some enjoyment is found in doing this. It is similar to peeling off a sunburn.
There is more. the emergency break is broken and therefore always has the bright red indicator light on reading "BRAKE". The car's bumper is also tied on using zip ties. Yes, I did say zip ties. Oddly, it happens to work really well.
I am sure there is more to say but I believe that is all I've got to say about the car other than you can see the road through the base of the driver's side door when it is shut. It is definately the feature that really makes me feel safe and comfortable.
Needless to say: new car good, old car sold to some poor sucker for $100. I told Dave to try and get $200 but I fear that may be pushing it.