Sunday, May 11, 2008

On My Mind...

I have been told I needed to write on my blog more frequently. So, this is the start of my attempt to do just that. I have had a lot go on in the last month or even in the past weekend but have a hard time articulating exactly what I want to say.
In the past month a friend's brother has died. He was 25 years old. That was hard because it was a friend and it seemed to be sudden and he was my husband's age. He was married 7 months. From what I gather from the funeral and what I already knew, he was pretty incredible. There is the sadness at the loss of a great person but my sadness was for the people left behind and the emotions they feel as a result of not seeing their brother, husband, son, or friend for a while. I also can't help but think, Dave one day will die. I just hope it's not sooner than what I want.
Seeing death and feeling its affects changes a person. I have found a dead body and I can probably say I have saved a person’s life. There is something remarkable in seeing someone who has already died and someone who is about to. Some people recognize it is their time and others force their way in when their time is not up. Regardless of the circumstances in how they left, there is always an expectation that person is coming home tomorrow.
I believe that things come in threes. Currently, I am waiting for number 3.
Number 1. Friday night Dave and I found out his step mom has a tumor in her brain. At this point nobody knows if it is benign or malignent. Regardless, things like this somehow happens to other people... not you or someone close to you. The first thing I thought was about the recent Grey's Anatomy episodes. All that comes to my mind is that God is in control and she is in God's hands.
Number 2. Last night my brother was in a pretty bad car wreck. According to one person, he is lucky to be alive. He dislocated his hip, shattered his knee cap, had glass stuck in his face, and was unconscious for 2 hours. The fire department had to cut him out of the vehicle. He will be okay though... just really sore and in pain for a bit.
I have to say that I don't mind being reminded how fragile life is and how uninvicible I am. I just wish the message came in different ways. I can sit here and say life is short but really, my life is as long and as full as I make it.


SW Portraits said...

I agree with this post completly! Things do come in 3's and when a person dies, you're life changes. Perspective changes A LOT! It's sad when things like this have to happen, but we are all in God's hands. I'm sorry about your brother and mother in law. Scary...

Slobodans said...

Wow, so much going on in your family. I'm so sorry to hear that this is happening and hope that the whole things happening in threes thing does not happen for you. I see the fragility of life in my work every day and I am always reminded of how precious each day is. It makes me appreciate life a lot more.