Friday, March 13, 2009

I Love Technology

Technology is every where you go and every day that passes there is something newer, faster, smaller, better.

My husband and I have a PVR - like a Tivo. We, or rather I, LOVE it! We can record whatever shows we want and watch them whenver. I love being able to fast forward through commercials because then I'm really not up for another hour watching something... I'm up for maybe 40-45 minutes.
There are two problems I have encountered with having a PVR:

First, the purpose of PVR, for me, is to record something and watch it when I am able or to record two shows at once. I stay up later watching a show I know I can watch tomorrow. I know the show will still be there tomorrow but on some level I suffer from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and need to know what happens right then. Somehow I justify staying up later by saying to myself that I would be staying up even later had I not recorded the show, at least I can ffwd through commercials. It's really stupid but that's what I do.

Second - I feel like I should be able to fast forward through everything and find myself looking for the fast forward button or actively thinking "I need to ffwd" before I realise not everything is capable of this. For example, the radio.

The other device I have that I absolutely love is my iTouch. I love the applications I can put on it and the fact that I don't need a button to push but I just touch the screen and it does what I want (for the most part). The problem is obvious. I touch screens other than my iTouch expecting the same outcome. My work cell phone doesn't even have a camera on it and I try to access settings by touching the small one inch screen. I have found myself at my computer making the motion to swipe or push an icon and then a voice says "hey moron, you can't do that..." Not yet anyway.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

ditto on the radio/ff thing. There have been many times we were in the car and Mark or I looked at the other person and said "rewind!" Oops. maybe someday.