Tuesday, October 24, 2006

bandwagon anyone.

So I decided to jump on the bandwagon of starting a blog. I may get very bored very quickly and not put anything up here for long periods of time. So come and go as you please. really I started this because I am a huge follower and have nothing else to do with my time. I don't want to be left out.
I should state right away, I am married so if you are looking to hook up, look elsewhere. I'm not interested.
Right now I have not much to say about anything in particular.

1 comment:

janaya said...

yeah! welcome to the blog world. we can be total dorks together! i can read yours and comment, you can read mine and comment. it'll be like IM but more annoying and take more time. :)

thanks the washer costume idea. nothing says "anti-slutty halloween costume" like slapping a cardboard box on yourself. sweet! :)