Thursday, November 16, 2006

Shiny Happy People

Yes, it's true... Two posts in one day but I was motivated by a friend's blog today. She wrote a blog entitled "lot's of good people in the world". In this blog she posted 10+ statements about people in her life and never telling which statement was directed at whom. It was great. So please find your names on the left and try to match it to the statement that best applies to you. Okay I'm totally kidding. But I will post some statements now.

1. You are a breath of fresh air in a smog ridden city.
2. Your strength simply amazes me. I wish I had half as much strength as you.
3. You are the most supportive and loving person I have ever met. How did I get so luck as to have you in my life?
4. Your wit astounds me. You should consider standup.
5. Your perseverance and willing to endure to the end is simply incredible. You never quit! I love it!
6. You deserve the best, go get it! With all your heart take what you deserve!!
7. We need to be neighbours so we can quilt, write journals, have our children be best friends... You are awesome!
8. Machine. No other word describes you. You are able to the work of ten and still keep going. Where the heck do you get your energy? Do you have an IV of red bull??
9. You are one of the most honest people I know. Don't change that... Even if people get mad.
10. I wish you could stand up for yourself more. I see so much strength and so much spirit in you. Take a stand and do not let people walk all over you. You are a beautiful person with so much to offer... Find your voice.
11. We have lost touch and I am sad. I miss hearing your voice.
12. Shock and awe... Shock and awe.
13. You are the most free spirited person. You do what is in your heart and do not take crap from anyone. Good on ya but chill out sometimes... Not everyone means to hurt you.
14. We need to hang out more. I miss the good talks we've shared. It's sad we do not talk as much or at all anymore. You have helped me through so much.
15. You live your life without question. You see what you want and you take it. You live life by your rules and no one else's. I love you!
16. Confusion about life befalls us all but listen to your spirit and what it is trying to tell you. Do what is right.
17. We think the same... I like that.


janaya said...

wow... now you've got me curious. are you ever going to tell? i want to do this now too! but seriously... i'm going to go insane analyzing this now, you know that right?

Higa said...

I'm glad you like it and that you are analyzing it death. You will never know... mwahahaha (that's an evil laugh just in case you were wondering).

Anonymous said...

Rachelle says: You have a beautiful gift of writing. Heavenly Father gave you as a gift to us, your friends... those who were fortunate to have you in our lives for a lifetime, a moment, or a passing.
Keep writing, let your emotions and thoughts spill forth...
Let us question unto our own understanding what you really mean...

Anonymous said...

Leesh, I just had the worst or possibly second worst YW activity ever. Even if I am not on your "List", I will be conceited enough to take some of those and think they were for me. It made me feel better. Thanks. (cheezy, but I am crying right now. Way to go.)

janaya said...

please write something new... i have officially run out of things to do to keep me from doing productive things.