Thursday, August 09, 2007

A few things...

Top 3 Worst Inventions/ideas:

1. Auto-flush toilets... if you are female you will understand this complaint. I hate them because it seems that every time I use them they go off too soon. Then I find myself scrambling trying not to get sucked in or sprayed on. If I wanted a boudet, I would have asked for one.

2. Hand dryers... It is more effective if I just blow on them myself.

3. The first five rows at the movie theatre. I just experienced this for the first time last night. Let me tell you, it sucked! The movie was alright but I had to move my head (not just my eyes) from one end of the screen to the other. IF there was something going on on the left side, I wouldn't know because I was paying attention to the right side. Those first five rows should be banished!

Top 3 Best Inventions

1. Sliced Bread... c'mon you know it is and you know I had to say it.

2. The internet... although it has it's evil points the good far outweigh the bad... online banking, wikipedia, email, (not facebook), etc.

3. the wheel... think about how many things operate using a wheel (bikes, rollerblades, cars, airplanes (obviously not when they are flying in the sky))... modes of transportation use the wheel... if we didn't have one we'd still be walking.


janaya said...

whole-heartedly agree with your assessment of the 3 worst inventions. :)

and yes, facebook is evil.

Melanie said...

I would have to add Keylime pie to the list of best inventions ever. Yes I knwo it exsists in nature, but separately... someone had to put them all together, right?? That person deserves a medal!!
Also Happy 1st!! Only 5 years behind us! :o)