My friend John got married a few years ago. I have met his wife a few times and we have hung out. She is a very sweet girl. Myself, I have been married for just over a year. My best friend came to my wedding reception with his wife and parents.
So when I call him the other day and talk to him for about five to ten minutes about nothing and inquiring when the four of us could get together, it was a shock when he called me back to say not to call him or email him again by the request of his wife... I was shocked. My husband was shocked. I had to ask John if he was kidding... to which he replied he was not. I felt a plethora of emotions. I was sad because I am losing a great friend and even more sad because he is stuck in a relationship that is controlling like that. It was one of those moments where I wanted to tell him to call me when the relationship ended. I would never do that because I would never wish that kind of torment upon anyone. As a result, I figured I will let his wife get over her insecurities and they can work through their marriage and hopefully then he will call me. I just hope he does not regret some of the decisions and sacrifices he has had to make.
Did I forget to mention that I am a very happily married woman who would never in any way jeopardize that relationship. If I got together with anyone else, it would be a step backwards. Sorry guys. I married the best and would never settle for less.
This is not the first time this has happened to me. I have had two other guy friends do this very same thing to me. My reaction: jaw drop and an "are you kidding me?" response. I do not have any sort of gay tendencies but let me just say this... all these women are hot. C'mon people!!!
If I were walking down the road with any one of these women most guys would look at her and think: dang she's hot... and then see me and have a pondered look on their face that says "I wonder if she's gay".... I do not consider myself to be a model or even 'hot' but I am comfortable with who I am. Women who read this... pull yourselves together and get your heads out of the sand. If you are in a relationship with someone, remember, he chose you. This also includes men. Jealousy is attractive for about two seconds and then it gets old. The more you try to control someone the more they will want to do the opposite.
we so need to chat. i will refrain from talking crap about the wives of my male friends who have issues like this... but i will say how much i LOVE the wives of my male friends who are totally awesome and have become my new best friends! but basically, i stand by my hard-fast determination that women are crazy.
Yah that sucks. One of my very best friends (guy) and I have been friends for more than half of our lives, I will admit it was a little odd for my hubby to deal with it at the beginning, but after they met- I think they like each other better than me!! It's always a little weird for a wife to meet their husbands girl - friends, just as I am sure it is weird for a gut to meet his wivfe's guy - friends, but that is where the whole trust thing comes in, and like you said, the spouse chooe you. Hopefully it will work itself out and you guys can get back to being friends!
HOLY CRAP!! I so love that you posted this!! Most of my friends growing up were guys and are all married now. I try and make their wives feel that I want to get to know THEM and be friend as well. I wonder if your friend and his wife will read this post. LOL... I'd feel totally embarresed if I were them and read that!
Holy crap, are you kidding me?? I am with you dearest, Todd doesnt care who I talk to, he says, I sleep with him at night and that is all that matters.. these women need to get a live, and realize that these men picked them, like you said.. Sorry hun!
alisha...i love your honesty. and your wit!!!!
sorry about this one...i've had very similar experiences. i just think that if women aren't confident in the love of their man, they shouldn't be marrying him!!! but then, what could i add, i'm not married!! lol!!
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