Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fly birdy fly

Well, winter has finally fallen upon us here in Calgary. Winter actually fell a few days ago when it snowed a bit and the temperature was below zero. Even though it may have snowed a few days ago, I take my cue from the birds.
Birds generally form their beautiful V shape and fly south for the winter. On this particular day last week I noticed there was an abnormal amount of birds in the sky. I felt as though I was in Hitchcock's The Birds. I love my drive home because I get to look at the city centre and the snowcapped mountains that serve as it's back drop. I was completely distracted by the birds. I was distracted by them because of the beautiful chaos. Beautiful because of the way nature works. Chaos because I don't think they had a clue where they were going. Birds were flying in every direction. Picture a pregnant woman with her husband and kids at home. The woman's water breaks... dad starts to panic... grabs whatever is close by and runs out the door. On his way out he realizes he needs his wife and should probably take the kids because they are too small to stay at home. Needless to say he runs back in the house grabs them and then dashes again out the door. The birds that day were no different. I think they forgot that winter was a season.
So the birds finally arrive in the south. they are safe and they are sound but their little bird hearts are racing faster than a cheetah. They then make a resolution to be more prepared for next winter. Let's face it, people and birds are very similar... both deny winter for as long as they possibly can.

1 comment:

janaya said...

umm... random.

and that's why we're friends! :)