Monday, December 03, 2007

A Spin on Dating

Hanging out with other couples (married or not) is like dating. Some couples you click with and others you just don't.
Dave and I had dinner at another couple's house and I knew before going in their home that we wouldn't click. I knew the relationship was over before it had started. We just had nothing in common. It was the first time we had hung out and we went through the niceties of "where do you work? where did you serve your mission? etc" But after that is gone we had to find different commonalities or interests. This couple did not have cable which meant that they did not watch television. Generally speaking, conversations seem to always revolve on what happened on Grey's, Survivor, or whatever the flavor of the month is. So, the television conversation piece was abruptly thrown out the window and the next thing you talk about is the weather. One can only say "oh ya, it is cold out eh?" so many times before it gets old. Some couples are board game fanatics; our date was not. Needless to say, we left their house with Dave saying "ya, we'll have to have you over for dinner to our place sometime." Knowing full well that this probably won't happen. It's not that I hate this couple or even slightly dislike them, it's just that we did not click. Plus, I think we would corrupt them with all the movies and video games and systems we had.
After the first date, the next stage is the awkwardness of having polite conversation with them because honestly, how do you break up with them. It's not like when you were dating and you could just say "it's not you it's me" or "I just don't see this working out"... And then, what do you do when they invite you over again, to pretend your busy or tell them you are seeing another couple?? It just doesn't work that way. It's worse when you are married because the other couple may still anticipate a relationship of sorts but you can never really tell them it's over.


Melanie said...

I feel exactly the same!! I always have to put Mark on censor when we "date" a new couple the first time or two, until I know how they will react. Thankfully we have found some good friends who seem to have been separated at birth from mark, but we also dated the couple who, very obviously, did not share Mark's sense of humour or our love of tv!! Oh well. Now we justd ate couples 10 years older than us with 56 kids. Gotta love suburban Minnesota! :o)

sherry ward said...

You are STILL the HILARIOUS Alisha I remember! I LOVED reading this post, it cracked me right up!! Oh and PS-I LOVE the wedding pic you have posted!