Have you ever noticed the way society talks about death or someone who has died. Obituaries do not state that John Doe died on such and such date; they say he passed on or is deceased. The best I have heard though is ‘expired’. I can't help but think “are we now like food that passes it’s expiration date?” I feel somehow this takes away from the beauty found in death and the reality in death. Yes, I did say beauty.
My husband’s step mother, Danna, died May 27, 2008. She was 50 at the time. She appeared to get rapidly sick but not sick with the flu. Her mood, speech, and some basic skills were declining. Like some doctors I have come across, he or she prescribed an anti depressant to fix Danna’s problem. Unfortunately they waited two to three weeks to see if there were any changes. Of course, there were no changes. It turned out she had a brain tumor. The location was not typical; it was located more in the brain rather than on top. They operated on the tumor and took out a good portion of it but in a matter of days it was back to the size it was prior to the surgery. She hung in there for a good ten days before she died. Danna had a huge and amazing family. She had 11 siblings and they all made it to her bedside to see her. All in one night they saw her. The most amazing and beautiful thing I saw in those moments was the love between them. Danna’s mother, Ruth, came up to the hospital from three hours away. Ruth hugged her and Danna stroked Ruth’s hair. Danna could not speak but she had amazing facial expressions that spoke more than words itself. As Ruth pulled away and started to turn her back towards Danna, in such a childlike manner and in a way in which only a child could to their mother, Danna reached for her mother with the saddest torn frown on her face. This moment was so beautiful to me. It showed me that although death can be dark and hurtful, there is a beauty to be found there. The look on Danna’s face spoke words that were different for each person seeing this scene. To me, her face said “mom I have an owie, I need a hug; don't leave yet.”
The night before Danna died I opted to go home and sleep while Dave waited in the hospital with his Dad. That same night, Dave’s brother’s wife went into labor. Kieran was born at 2:00 in the morning and Danna died at 7:00. What an array of emotions to feel in one day. We were deeply saddened by the loss of an amazing and wonderful woman but yet happy because a new spirit had been brought into the world. Part of me felt guilty for being happy for the new addition because I knew how emotionally fragile our father was.
Death is out of our control. Death is inevitable. Death is not the end but merely a beginning into something more. What that more is, you decide before you die.

Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Love It or Hate It
I was recently reading my friend's blog about an episode on the Oprah show regarding internet predators. My friend was upset because Oprah was reading a document that internet predators want kids to read. A sort of How -To book apparently. The comments to this blog were about how disgusted they were that Oprah would read something like that to the world because it is letting people know how to go about doing disgusting things to children. I have not seen this episode but have read about it online.
Let's be honest, people do not need a how to book... that's what pornography does. It's looking at pictures not reading detailed information on how to do these things.
My opinion of this is not shared by my friend or the comments others have made. I am not disgusted by Oprah or what she presents on her show. I commend her for taking such an intense and somewhat disgusting topic and bringing it to light. People are aware of the predators lurking on the internet but I really feel they don't really get what they are capable of doing. In her own mind I feel that Oprah thinks it is her job to bring these things to light. Kudos to her because let's be honest, no one else appears to be willing to do it to the degree she does.
We have become in some way accustomed to censorship and that people get outraged when the news shows a dead person who may happen to have wet blood on them or they are not completely covered up... why is there outrage in this but not outrage when it comes to child abuse, domestic violence, etc??? Why is this okay? C'mon. There should be more outrage about the acts of violence and disgust that are happening in the world than towards the people who are bringing it to light.
I work in an industry where I am confronted by violence, abuse, incest on a daily basis. It's disgusting but someone has to do it and someone has to be the voice of those who do not have one. Oprah is the voice of those people who are victims. She is also making a lot of predators angry for making 'normal' people aware of how to do these things. They don't want others knowing... just their 'crowd'.
Kudos to Oprah and the other nameless people who want to make this world better by bringing the harder things to light. Think about how little you would know about these topics if Oprah wasn't bringing them to light. Personally, I like watching those shows because I am more educated about the topic and I can better prepare my children. I cannot let my children live in a bubble and not know what is happening. Things happen that we have no control over (outside AND inside the confines of a family).
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I have been insulted many times in my life. It comes with the territory of being a social worker and child protection worker. I'm used to it. It is very different however when it comes from a video game.
We recently bought a Wii Fit. I love the Wii but was leery of this game until I tried it at a friend's house. I loved it. So there I was doing my strength training, pushups to be exact and let's be honest, I can't do the 'real' pushups. I do the girly ones. While I was doing them my 'personal trainer' tells me "I can see you aren't very strong". All I could say was "excuse me, you don't know me." Then I hear my husband laughing in the background.
I haven't done the pushups since.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
still intact
I was going to finish the previous blog with an update but I'm not ready to go there just yet. So instead I will tell you about my slo-pitch experience from last week.
Dave and I joined a slo pitch league in the spring and continued it through the summer. We have really enjoyed it. I bought cleats, a bat and a bright new ball. Last week we were playing amazing and were finally winning one. I was up to bat and I wanted to place my hit between 1st and 2nd basemen because there was a gap and I am just that good. I hit it that direction but it was slightly short. It went straight towards the 1st basemen. Well she ran up to it and then started running towards me down the baseline. So I ran around her and had her beat. Keep in mind, I have lightening speed. When I went around her I either twisted my ankle and tripped over my other foot or I just learned how to run and tripped over my foot as I turned towards 1st base.
Picture it... me running full speed tripping. As I was falling I think I put my hands down but as I landed I still had momentum and kept skidding forward on my face using my chin as the brakes. Apparently when I fell on my face my legs came up and almost over my head (liken it to a scorpion tail). I think that was the amazing part of it. According to Dave and other teamates they could not comprehend how I did it and how I was not in more pain. As I lay on the ground people were asking if I was okay. The only thing I said as a turned my head was "I just want you to know, I am not crying." And I didn't cry... of course I wanted to but I was not going to be that person (or girl for that matter) no matter how much my face, elbow, knee, ankle and pride hurt. Forget it.
Next time that happens, I am going to run right over who is in my way. Or at least attempt to given my size.
Dave and I joined a slo pitch league in the spring and continued it through the summer. We have really enjoyed it. I bought cleats, a bat and a bright new ball. Last week we were playing amazing and were finally winning one. I was up to bat and I wanted to place my hit between 1st and 2nd basemen because there was a gap and I am just that good. I hit it that direction but it was slightly short. It went straight towards the 1st basemen. Well she ran up to it and then started running towards me down the baseline. So I ran around her and had her beat. Keep in mind, I have lightening speed. When I went around her I either twisted my ankle and tripped over my other foot or I just learned how to run and tripped over my foot as I turned towards 1st base.
Picture it... me running full speed tripping. As I was falling I think I put my hands down but as I landed I still had momentum and kept skidding forward on my face using my chin as the brakes. Apparently when I fell on my face my legs came up and almost over my head (liken it to a scorpion tail). I think that was the amazing part of it. According to Dave and other teamates they could not comprehend how I did it and how I was not in more pain. As I lay on the ground people were asking if I was okay. The only thing I said as a turned my head was "I just want you to know, I am not crying." And I didn't cry... of course I wanted to but I was not going to be that person (or girl for that matter) no matter how much my face, elbow, knee, ankle and pride hurt. Forget it.
Next time that happens, I am going to run right over who is in my way. Or at least attempt to given my size.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
On My Mind...
I have been told I needed to write on my blog more frequently. So, this is the start of my attempt to do just that. I have had a lot go on in the last month or even in the past weekend but have a hard time articulating exactly what I want to say.
In the past month a friend's brother has died. He was 25 years old. That was hard because it was a friend and it seemed to be sudden and he was my husband's age. He was married 7 months. From what I gather from the funeral and what I already knew, he was pretty incredible. There is the sadness at the loss of a great person but my sadness was for the people left behind and the emotions they feel as a result of not seeing their brother, husband, son, or friend for a while. I also can't help but think, Dave one day will die. I just hope it's not sooner than what I want.
Seeing death and feeling its affects changes a person. I have found a dead body and I can probably say I have saved a person’s life. There is something remarkable in seeing someone who has already died and someone who is about to. Some people recognize it is their time and others force their way in when their time is not up. Regardless of the circumstances in how they left, there is always an expectation that person is coming home tomorrow.
I believe that things come in threes. Currently, I am waiting for number 3.
Number 1. Friday night Dave and I found out his step mom has a tumor in her brain. At this point nobody knows if it is benign or malignent. Regardless, things like this somehow happens to other people... not you or someone close to you. The first thing I thought was about the recent Grey's Anatomy episodes. All that comes to my mind is that God is in control and she is in God's hands.
Number 2. Last night my brother was in a pretty bad car wreck. According to one person, he is lucky to be alive. He dislocated his hip, shattered his knee cap, had glass stuck in his face, and was unconscious for 2 hours. The fire department had to cut him out of the vehicle. He will be okay though... just really sore and in pain for a bit.
I have to say that I don't mind being reminded how fragile life is and how uninvicible I am. I just wish the message came in different ways. I can sit here and say life is short but really, my life is as long and as full as I make it.
In the past month a friend's brother has died. He was 25 years old. That was hard because it was a friend and it seemed to be sudden and he was my husband's age. He was married 7 months. From what I gather from the funeral and what I already knew, he was pretty incredible. There is the sadness at the loss of a great person but my sadness was for the people left behind and the emotions they feel as a result of not seeing their brother, husband, son, or friend for a while. I also can't help but think, Dave one day will die. I just hope it's not sooner than what I want.
Seeing death and feeling its affects changes a person. I have found a dead body and I can probably say I have saved a person’s life. There is something remarkable in seeing someone who has already died and someone who is about to. Some people recognize it is their time and others force their way in when their time is not up. Regardless of the circumstances in how they left, there is always an expectation that person is coming home tomorrow.
I believe that things come in threes. Currently, I am waiting for number 3.
Number 1. Friday night Dave and I found out his step mom has a tumor in her brain. At this point nobody knows if it is benign or malignent. Regardless, things like this somehow happens to other people... not you or someone close to you. The first thing I thought was about the recent Grey's Anatomy episodes. All that comes to my mind is that God is in control and she is in God's hands.
Number 2. Last night my brother was in a pretty bad car wreck. According to one person, he is lucky to be alive. He dislocated his hip, shattered his knee cap, had glass stuck in his face, and was unconscious for 2 hours. The fire department had to cut him out of the vehicle. He will be okay though... just really sore and in pain for a bit.
I have to say that I don't mind being reminded how fragile life is and how uninvicible I am. I just wish the message came in different ways. I can sit here and say life is short but really, my life is as long and as full as I make it.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Listening To Music While Driving
Does anyone else have a problem with someone listening to their iPod while driving their vehicle?? Both earphones in...
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Earth hour!!! Sorry... Earth what??
March 29, 2008 marked a international event: Earth Hour. Earth hour started originally in Sydney Australia in 2007. They thougth it would be a good idea to make the event international because of the success it had. Essentially what happens is that cities, towns, etc will turn off their power for one hour . From this people will realise how much energy they save and how that will save the earth from a downward spiral to hell.
When I first heard this I thought "what a fantastic idea!" Little did I know at the time how ridiculous it really is. I thought this for a few different reasons...
First: some businesses, in Calgary anyway, were using it as a way to make money. Come and rent a room at a hotel for an hour and not use electricity! All for the low price of 169$! Why not just stay home in the dark. Although it is a great way to spend 169$... I cannot think of a better way to spend that money.
Second: one news broadcasting company said "and we're participating by turning off all non essential lights in our stations across Canada"... my first thought was: if they are so non essential why bother having them in the first place?
Third: the city announced they too were turning off non essential lights. My statement above is not needed here. Apparently the non essential lights they turned off were on road ways that were high collision areas. Thanks for saving the earth but not lives!
Four: what is non essential lighting really?? Like I said before, if it is non essential get rid of it altogether. Why do downtown city buildings need all the lights on? I am sure a few would suffice and still provide a nice skyline to look at.
Don't get me wrong, the concept of Earth Hour is great. I like the idea. I think it is important for people to realise what things they do have and what they could possibly lose. After coming back from Nicaragua I have found ways to not use as much water. If it's yellow let it mellow... if it's brown flush it down. Not only does this conserve water it also saves you money. Energy works the same way... unplug things you are not using because they are still using energy and costing you money.
My husband and I participated in Earth Hour as best as we could. We unplugged most things and lit candles. We did, however, have to watch the hockey game. So did thousands of others in Calgary. This would explain why Calgary did not decrease their use of energy but in fact went up by 10%. Which 'they' blame on colder temperatures.
Granted Canada apparently had the highest participation rate... Oh canada!
When I first heard this I thought "what a fantastic idea!" Little did I know at the time how ridiculous it really is. I thought this for a few different reasons...
First: some businesses, in Calgary anyway, were using it as a way to make money. Come and rent a room at a hotel for an hour and not use electricity! All for the low price of 169$! Why not just stay home in the dark. Although it is a great way to spend 169$... I cannot think of a better way to spend that money.
Second: one news broadcasting company said "and we're participating by turning off all non essential lights in our stations across Canada"... my first thought was: if they are so non essential why bother having them in the first place?
Third: the city announced they too were turning off non essential lights. My statement above is not needed here. Apparently the non essential lights they turned off were on road ways that were high collision areas. Thanks for saving the earth but not lives!
Four: what is non essential lighting really?? Like I said before, if it is non essential get rid of it altogether. Why do downtown city buildings need all the lights on? I am sure a few would suffice and still provide a nice skyline to look at.
Don't get me wrong, the concept of Earth Hour is great. I like the idea. I think it is important for people to realise what things they do have and what they could possibly lose. After coming back from Nicaragua I have found ways to not use as much water. If it's yellow let it mellow... if it's brown flush it down. Not only does this conserve water it also saves you money. Energy works the same way... unplug things you are not using because they are still using energy and costing you money.
My husband and I participated in Earth Hour as best as we could. We unplugged most things and lit candles. We did, however, have to watch the hockey game. So did thousands of others in Calgary. This would explain why Calgary did not decrease their use of energy but in fact went up by 10%. Which 'they' blame on colder temperatures.
Granted Canada apparently had the highest participation rate... Oh canada!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I went to Nicaragua recently. I do not wish to talk about the events of the trip in this blog necessarily but rather what I learned and hope to continue to take with me through out my life.
First, we in the first world countries have it made. We have the luxury of knowing that when we turn on our tap water will come out every time. Most have the luxury of knowing that when we turn on a switch light illuminates that space. I went to Nicaragua last year and came home thinking and hoping that I would be more conservative with the water I used. This time I come back thinking the same thing hoping that it actually sticks.
I sit here and I think of the poverty that I have witnessed in Nicaragua. In Granada, barefoot children wearing dirty torn clothing would come up to us wanting money and probably food. Their barefoot mother was not far behind carrying a baby on her hip. I then think of the children in the countryside who had absolutely no access to clean water, their houses were made of sheet metal roofs and wood that barely made their walls. Their wells were often dried up and the women have to hike a long way to get water. The water was never clean and safe for us to drink therefore making it unhealthy for them to drink. These children who we think are impoverished and somehow without are the happiest children. We were not there to pull them out of their poverty and somehow make them rich. We were merely there to improve their physical health. I do not shed tears just for the children who were begging from us but also the handicapped boy who laughed and smiled with us as we walked through their community in the country. I cry about their happiness and their humility. I cry because I have so much to learn.
First, we in the first world countries have it made. We have the luxury of knowing that when we turn on our tap water will come out every time. Most have the luxury of knowing that when we turn on a switch light illuminates that space. I went to Nicaragua last year and came home thinking and hoping that I would be more conservative with the water I used. This time I come back thinking the same thing hoping that it actually sticks.
I sit here and I think of the poverty that I have witnessed in Nicaragua. In Granada, barefoot children wearing dirty torn clothing would come up to us wanting money and probably food. Their barefoot mother was not far behind carrying a baby on her hip. I then think of the children in the countryside who had absolutely no access to clean water, their houses were made of sheet metal roofs and wood that barely made their walls. Their wells were often dried up and the women have to hike a long way to get water. The water was never clean and safe for us to drink therefore making it unhealthy for them to drink. These children who we think are impoverished and somehow without are the happiest children. We were not there to pull them out of their poverty and somehow make them rich. We were merely there to improve their physical health. I do not shed tears just for the children who were begging from us but also the handicapped boy who laughed and smiled with us as we walked through their community in the country. I cry about their happiness and their humility. I cry because I have so much to learn.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
A Good Mouse is a Dead Mouse
I have recently, and by recently I mean before Christmas, had my apartment invaded by mice. picture this, laying in bed almost asleep and you hear this scratching sound in the wall... yes IN the wall. Well, I heard this sound and I shot straight up out of bed kind of like when a coffin opens and the body springs up. I turned to my husband and yelled 'there are mice, I can hear them!!!" (To get the full effect of that sound, scratch your nails against the wall). Keep in mind, he was dead asleep so he's probably has no idea what is going on. So he says "what?" I repeat myself again and add "I cannot sleep in here knowing that they are in here too! I can hear them scratching in the walls". I was mad and it came across like I was mad at him because somehow it was his fault the mice were there. So, my loving husband says "what am I supposed to do?" I just wanted them gone... I didn't care how he did it. by no means was this conversation rational (on my part). So he gets up and goes to our cupboard and gets bounce sheets and puts them in the heat vent. Apparently they really dislike this smell. Is this true? I have no idea. All I know is that it was a placebo for me. In my mind it worked and I was happy. Even if in the real world it did not work... I did not want to read it or hear about it because for me on that dark night... it did work.
The sage continues...
Just after December 1 I was at home sick and I thought to myself... I'm going to put up the Christmas decorations. I went to the storage room and pulled out the big bin and saw it. I saw mouse crap all over the floor in one corner. I suprisingly did not flip out I just continued on my way of decorating. I did call Dave to tell him about the mice crapping all over the floor. Oh did I forget to mention that they chewed through the plastic baseboard?? Ya, that's even creepier. Dave's idea was to get mothballs and shove them in the holes and put plywood in front of the hole. We went searching for mothballs to discover that nobody sells them. Please, if you know where to get them, let me know. I will drive any distance!
Dave and I decided that we needed to clean out our storage room. And when I say 'we' I mean Dave. I was not about to go in there and touch anything. He's the man, it's his job right?? So Dave was cleaning it out and discovered that they defecated all over a quilt his grandma made him. I told him to get rid of it because you never know what could be left even if you do clean it. He was not happy. After he pulled everything out he threw the mouse trap out. He basically decided that the mice were mocking us by crapping on top of it and around it. Plus, the mice had chewed through ever corner in that room. CREEPY!!!
We bought poison and the poison was probably 1 inch by 1 inch... thick. It smelled good too... odd I know. But seriously it did. So I cut some of the poison up and shoved it in the holes. Some of the holes were too small so I would just leave the whole block in the corner. I would discover a day or two later that they were nibbling on it. I was ecstatic about this up until Dave went in five minutes later to notice that the whole block was gone. Do these mice have stomach's of steel?? honestly! I just hope they take it to their leader!!
On New Years Day morning Dave was in the kitchen preparing to make homemade pancakes (my little homemaker)... he pulled out the pan from the oven drawer and discovered mice crap on that. He pulled everything out and the mice had been all over. What's worse is they crapped in every muffin tin hole. They were mocking us. It was almost like they were saying "oh you gave my brother poison, well I'm going to leave you a present to remember me by."
The mice I think are gone or at least that is what I am telling myself to give me peace of mind.
Even though this story is creepy and disgusting, nothing will be as disgusting as the time I killed a mouse by stepping on it.
The sage continues...
Just after December 1 I was at home sick and I thought to myself... I'm going to put up the Christmas decorations. I went to the storage room and pulled out the big bin and saw it. I saw mouse crap all over the floor in one corner. I suprisingly did not flip out I just continued on my way of decorating. I did call Dave to tell him about the mice crapping all over the floor. Oh did I forget to mention that they chewed through the plastic baseboard?? Ya, that's even creepier. Dave's idea was to get mothballs and shove them in the holes and put plywood in front of the hole. We went searching for mothballs to discover that nobody sells them. Please, if you know where to get them, let me know. I will drive any distance!
Dave and I decided that we needed to clean out our storage room. And when I say 'we' I mean Dave. I was not about to go in there and touch anything. He's the man, it's his job right?? So Dave was cleaning it out and discovered that they defecated all over a quilt his grandma made him. I told him to get rid of it because you never know what could be left even if you do clean it. He was not happy. After he pulled everything out he threw the mouse trap out. He basically decided that the mice were mocking us by crapping on top of it and around it. Plus, the mice had chewed through ever corner in that room. CREEPY!!!
We bought poison and the poison was probably 1 inch by 1 inch... thick. It smelled good too... odd I know. But seriously it did. So I cut some of the poison up and shoved it in the holes. Some of the holes were too small so I would just leave the whole block in the corner. I would discover a day or two later that they were nibbling on it. I was ecstatic about this up until Dave went in five minutes later to notice that the whole block was gone. Do these mice have stomach's of steel?? honestly! I just hope they take it to their leader!!
On New Years Day morning Dave was in the kitchen preparing to make homemade pancakes (my little homemaker)... he pulled out the pan from the oven drawer and discovered mice crap on that. He pulled everything out and the mice had been all over. What's worse is they crapped in every muffin tin hole. They were mocking us. It was almost like they were saying "oh you gave my brother poison, well I'm going to leave you a present to remember me by."
The mice I think are gone or at least that is what I am telling myself to give me peace of mind.
Even though this story is creepy and disgusting, nothing will be as disgusting as the time I killed a mouse by stepping on it.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Remember the ripples.
I have typed and retyped this email so many times... I start on one rant and then move to another only to move back to the first rant.
I think my rant is mostly to do with how stupid some people can be. Stupid may be a harsh word, especially if one of those 'stupid' people happen to be reading this blog. Although most stupid people don't even know they are stupid (reminds me of The Sixth Sense)... think about it.
Why do I think people are stupid you ask? Well, some people really don't understand how the actions they take are a drop in a pond. The ripple goes on forever.
I can admit that I have made stupid decisions but I have never done anything serious enough to cause regret. I never like to say I regret things. I find that when you are in deep regret about something you tend to overlook the things that you should learn from those experiences. Hence, why I never regret anything.
I believe, like you probably do, that there is something to learn from everything. For a long time I would focus on what has happened in the past, not in regret, but more mulling over it... intensely. I liken this experience to driving a car. While we drive we look in our rearview mirror to see what is behind us. When we drive we focus more on what is ahead of us because if we do not, we crash. So when I would focus so much on my past I was missing what is in front and I would crash and burn (not literally).
I notice sometimes while I am driving that I will glance in my rearview and notice a car behind me and then I will turn my focus on what is ahead. It will take me a while before I look back again and when I do, I realise the car that was there is gone and I panic a bit, wondering where it went. I know in driving it is important to pay attention to everything on the road: ahead, behind and to the sides. But I do not focus so much on one that I do not see other things on the road.
Life is a road... we must not focus so much on what is behind that we lose sight of where we are going. We also must not focus so much on what is ahead that we forget where and what we came from.
I started out by talking about stupid people and I was going to rant on about stupid decisions people have made. I do not wish to rant about that. I do not wish to focus so much on the destination but experience the journey... but most of all, I wish for the world to remember the ripples...
I think my rant is mostly to do with how stupid some people can be. Stupid may be a harsh word, especially if one of those 'stupid' people happen to be reading this blog. Although most stupid people don't even know they are stupid (reminds me of The Sixth Sense)... think about it.
Why do I think people are stupid you ask? Well, some people really don't understand how the actions they take are a drop in a pond. The ripple goes on forever.
I can admit that I have made stupid decisions but I have never done anything serious enough to cause regret. I never like to say I regret things. I find that when you are in deep regret about something you tend to overlook the things that you should learn from those experiences. Hence, why I never regret anything.
I believe, like you probably do, that there is something to learn from everything. For a long time I would focus on what has happened in the past, not in regret, but more mulling over it... intensely. I liken this experience to driving a car. While we drive we look in our rearview mirror to see what is behind us. When we drive we focus more on what is ahead of us because if we do not, we crash. So when I would focus so much on my past I was missing what is in front and I would crash and burn (not literally).
I notice sometimes while I am driving that I will glance in my rearview and notice a car behind me and then I will turn my focus on what is ahead. It will take me a while before I look back again and when I do, I realise the car that was there is gone and I panic a bit, wondering where it went. I know in driving it is important to pay attention to everything on the road: ahead, behind and to the sides. But I do not focus so much on one that I do not see other things on the road.
Life is a road... we must not focus so much on what is behind that we lose sight of where we are going. We also must not focus so much on what is ahead that we forget where and what we came from.
I started out by talking about stupid people and I was going to rant on about stupid decisions people have made. I do not wish to rant about that. I do not wish to focus so much on the destination but experience the journey... but most of all, I wish for the world to remember the ripples...
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
New Year Resolutions...
Is it New Years Resolutions or new year's resolution or new year resolutions... the latter makes more sense to me but I could be wrong and I probably am.
2007 has come and gone and I ran in 2008 with a nice burn on my hand. I hope this is not an omen of things to come.
I thought about making resolutions for the new year but they generally are broken two days into the year. Although, I think the wording of the resolution makes a difference... for example, I will do this more and I won't do that... chances are you won't do that and you will end up doing the other. Why set yourself up for failure like that? Life is unpredictable. I would love to make a resolution that said I will not swear but c'mon... have you ever driven a car or played a competitive game (video, sport, etc)?? But in my effort to not make new year resolutions... I have already made one.
All one can really hope for in the coming year or years is that they are a better person than the previous year. I think that is a respectable goal... or resolution... or whatever.
2007 has come and gone and I ran in 2008 with a nice burn on my hand. I hope this is not an omen of things to come.
I thought about making resolutions for the new year but they generally are broken two days into the year. Although, I think the wording of the resolution makes a difference... for example, I will do this more and I won't do that... chances are you won't do that and you will end up doing the other. Why set yourself up for failure like that? Life is unpredictable. I would love to make a resolution that said I will not swear but c'mon... have you ever driven a car or played a competitive game (video, sport, etc)?? But in my effort to not make new year resolutions... I have already made one.
All one can really hope for in the coming year or years is that they are a better person than the previous year. I think that is a respectable goal... or resolution... or whatever.
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